Monday, March 10, 2008


I got a cheque for a scheduled payment from a client of mine the other day... a couple of days later I got another check from her, same amount... there wasn't another payment due for a while, so I found it rather odd to be getting a second check from her only days later. Before I went to deposit these cheques I figured I should double check with the client to see if this was her intention to make an advanced payment or something. When I called her and asked she kinda laughed, "Well I guess there are still some honest people out there." was her response.
Turns out she had lost the cheque she had written out to me on the street while walking through Osborne Village the other day, somebody found the check and mailed it to me, this person even put the clients return address on the outside of the envelope. They must of looked us up online and found our mailing address and sent it off to make sure the payment came through to us on time. If the person responsible for doing this is out there somewhere reading this, let me say THANK YOU! It's great to know that there are still caring honest people like you out there.

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