Friday, February 29, 2008

Song Tapper

Okay so I came across this site today... have you ever had a song in your head but you just can't think of the name of the song, or the words for that matter but you know the beat of it? Well that's where song tapper comes in... it can waste a lot of time as you play with it but it's crazy enough I had to share it with you. All you do is tap out the music with your space bar and seconds later you get the name of the song or songs that use that rythm. Give it a try.

Monday, February 04, 2008


Just had to share this with everyone... it's the latest gift collection I came up with for a friend/client of mine, I absolutely love it... oh yeah the cute kid doesn't hurt either :)

Friday, February 01, 2008

How to eat a cookie

So we had a fun evening tonight... Kai showed me how to eat a cookie like the lady that she is.

Being like her mother :) she likes to be on the phone as well.. think I'll have to add a third line in the house.

And lastly... well this one is just plain cute... I love her in her house coat... there's nothing more cuddly than this. Love you Peanut, your Daddy's favorite :)